Season 60 - Newsletter
October 08, 2023 / by tracer
Welcome to Season 60 of the Dominion League!
On the returning form last season, we asked about using ban, dislike, and like lists in league matches. Across all tiers, we had a majority of responses favor the status quo of using banned and dislike lists and not using like lists, with much stronger majorities in the higher tiers. Given that feedback, we have decided to maintain the current rules for use of these card lists.
During season 60 (exact date yet to be determined), we will be holding a town hall reviewing league structure, which will primarily concern tiers F, G, H, and I. We have been seeing more imbalance in both player counts and results than we think may be ideal, and want to open the floor to discussion and solutions. If you are in those tiers, stay on the lookout for more details to come in #announcements.
Returning Forms
Starting this season, we would like players to fill out their season 61 returning form as early as possible, rather than after they have completed their matches. It is more helpful for us to have an earlier response that has a chance of changing than a later one with no chance of changing. If you end up changing your mind, just fill out the returning form again with the changed response.
Match Commentary
Starting this season, we will be trying to have commentary on all A division matches that are scheduled ahead of time, as well as a selection of matches with promotion and demotion implications in all tiers. It is expected that your moderator will be looking for these, but if you schedule a match that you think may be of interest feel free to bring it to their attention.
If you are looking for commentated matches to watch, keep your eye on the #matches channel on Discord. There may also be some featured in #announcements.
As always, best of luck this season, and I hope that league continues to be a fun experience!