Season 61 Newsletter

December 04, 2023 / by tracer

Welcome to season 61 of the Dominion League!

Moderator Updates

Season 60 marked the final season for Naesala and Theman0613 as Dominion League moderators. In addition to their work moderating divisions, they each previously spent time leading our most player-focused responsibilities, with Naesala making substantial changes to the onboarding process and Theman0613 turning players’ feedback into real changes. They will be missed.

This upcoming season there will be a call for new moderators. We are always looking for new voices and perspectives in the moderator team, and I encourage anybody interested in contributing to the long-term health of the league to apply.

Feedback and Rule Changes

On the feedback form for last season we polled players about playing in time-zone based divisions. Majorities in each of the tiers wished to maintain status quo (worldwide divisions in A-D, local ones in E-I). We will be maintaining the current division making process, while noting that it has become increasingly difficult to capture everybody’s scheduling preferences into a division that works perfectly for them, and so you may see many players in your division from different time zones. To help out, there is a new Discord bot command to create timestamps which will show in your opponents’ local time. Type !timestamp -h in any channel or a DM to DomBot for help.

Our season 60 townhall focused on potential balance problems in the lower tiers, and based on the discussion during it we will be advancing two proposals on the returning form this season. One of these will be asking about the number of promoters and demoters and the other will ask about the addition of up to 2 tiers. Because these topics affect so many players, we will be opening the #town-hall channel for further discussion once the returning form is available, and there will be no formal townhall during this season.

I wish you all a happy holiday season, hopefully filled with at least enough Dominion to stay on schedule for league.